The 90 day rule -Part 1

 ”My theory is that men are more liberated than women” – Indira Ghandi

”Steve Harvey” a name that rings wedding bells in every woman’s mind. I could spend a whole day ranting about the misconceptions women of today have come to believe in their quest to figure out the very simple aspects of male behavior and i could easily lodge into the next day but lemme focus on the gravely misused and uselessly adored 90 Day Rule…

Now we’ve all heard about the failed idea of women denying their newly found boyfriends sex for approximately 3 months as a way to prove whether they are really in love or its just a hit and run,and it brings a very sad pity tear to my eye when I see a girl religiously upholding to this verse of the ‘Harvey Bible’ with hope that in the 4th month or so,their sex will be love oriented. They patiently wait and deny all sexual advances in this period waiting for the golden ”I love you” syndrome. One fact is for certain,we humans are animals,and the animal instinct is to reproduce when in proximity of a ‘suitable’ animal of the opposite sex that’s why God attached this instinct to sex BUT ‘we’ (females) have evolved so much and have attached ”love” to reproduction.

So many books,Novels,articles,TV shows and etcetera have been written directed to women as a means to decipher the male species and the most ignored fact is that these ‘male manuals’ are written by men themselves. A question to ask yourself is,How do you know that these instructions are not just another wise plot by the secretive and undiscovered world of men to fool you into believing them?? I will tell you one fact about men and its the only gospel truth,Men looove being challenged and will take on any challenge by the horns and beat it down. When a man discovers that you are playing a game called ”90 Days to Sex” he will happily play along and on the 91st day,when you finally decide to let out that cookie,he will do you and say goodbye the following morning like you are a little piece of worthless whore (forgive my french)…In those 90 days,he could as well be sleeping with 90 different girls,SO you should have sex when you are ready NOT because of some bloody rule,you could even be ready in a week 🙂 lool …women forget that this literature is not restricted to them,men now know these stupid rules and have evolved in their game plan under the guy code…the reason women cant work together is because there is no such thing as ”Girl Code”


“Men are, by nature, hunters, and women have been put in the position of being the prey.” – Steve Harvey

You need to know what you want and stop running around the Internet trying to demystify us(men),it just will never work…You don’t see men (save for the gay ones) beating and racking up their brains to find out why women like shopping shoes endlessly!!!!

Instead of trying to understand why all Men do what they do,get your sorry ass back to your boyfriend or husband or Ex and learn him the way he is not because he has balls like all other men!!


mozart afk

We all swim to the mainland



    I normally don’t mind the title ”Staunch Catholic” when it comes up but wonder who has the gauge to measure devotion.I go to church quite regularly to thank and pray to God and also because i love playing the church organ as a bonus,so today,as I carried out my usual sunday routine,I decided to pay FULL attention the priest’s homily (trust me people rarely listen attentively) and the catchy statement/question was ”what is the most important body part?”…

   Can the arms and legs that work tirelessly to look for a job and food live without the stomach that digests it and supplies the ”useful” bit?? can the stomach live without the mouth that eats the food?? can the mouth live without the brain that controls it?? and going back to square one,can the brain live without the stomach that digests the food for it?? Clearly,the body is a full entity and one part hardly lives without the other,when one hurts,the other hurts,when one disables,the other auto disables as well until a form of ”compesatory” adaptation comes into play to salvage the situation but only to a limited extent. This is how the world is,exactly how we were made in our individualities but with the need to live together and shows how much we need each other,in the words of John Donne ”No man is an Island”


The world was not created to be good,it was created to be balanced. There is good because there is bad,there is a yes because there is no,there is joy because there is pain. The poor need the rich but the rich also need the poor and everyone matters,it takes the one to have the other otherwise where would the comparison be?? to quote Jason Mraz 

It takes some silence to make sound
It takes a loss before you found it
And it takes a road to go nowhere
It takes a toll to make you care
It takes a hole to make a mountain

   No matter how much of an island you might think you are,we all need to swim back to the mainland,everyone needs help and its not right to get buried in your own problems,we all need companionship, friendship and we all need love,even the pretentious ”rock” hearted ones…

 So quit being that body part that [stupidly] thinks its superior,get off your high horse ego,cloud 9 or anything demeaning you would call it and learn to live in the world!!



   mozart afk

a good read on a true story on a brilliant thought

✵ ✶ ★ ☆

Almost every Sunday morning, for the last 5 months, my church services have been in a different “style”…not the usual, big building with a cross on the roof and a choir and reverend at the front kind-of-church… Ever since school started, my Saturday and Sunday mornings are somewhere in a classroom. So what happens is, the professors are very kind and let us have some sort of “church” every Sunday morning just before the module sessions begin, for about an hour…but then that means if I want to attend that, I have to be at school extra early…which sometimes is a hard paper…*don’t judge me* So anyway, last Sunday I got in really late for the “service”…like 5 minutes to the end and of course I had missed the sermon but there’s one thing I got from it…and I think that was what I was supposed to get…

View original post 463 more words

Women emancipation,all getting messy

“A woman is the full circle,within her is the power to create,nurture and transform” – Marie Curie
That’s a quote we all ought to believe in,because it is undoubtedly true,the women of the earth really need to be respected,what they have,NO man can have…but let’s not get carried away,what men have,NO woman can have either. Yes it works both ways. It is not a one way traffic,this is not a river flowing to the ocean,no,this is life and everything goes both ways!
I’m not a ‘masculinist’ (opposed to feminist) but I really do not understand why women have to go on everywhere on top of the world about how they “run the world”,to quote Beyonce Knowels,we all do know that song and until recently it had became an ‘anthem’ to everything female all around the world. In the last a billion years or so (if my history lessons are to the dot),the male species has been in dominancy,well it still is I think (we are breeding a lot of sissys of late) and the power struggle to rule the world has been between the great kings and colonisers,but thanks to emancipation by the voices of the strong,great women of the past centuries,women have come into the light and currently we do have many instances of “first woman in power” going around.
With all the emancipation,we have had women take up on almost most of the roles that originally were left for the men which is a good thing but unfortunately a few bad eggs that are stuck in the Old Traditional Society still linger on,we still have women that think a man should pamper them and take charge of all their physical and financial needs,and that’s a sign of evolutionary weakness,that’s a sign that women are actually not ready to take over the world as they wish,a sign that a few things still need to be sorted out in the “girl-camp” before the war on men is unleashed. And that’s a point directed towards all the hyper-active feminists.
One thing is clearly misunderstood,house-hold work is not despised by men,no,it is despised by the women themselves. It doesnot hurt to acknowlegde that my duty is to make sure the kids are ready for school,dinner is made and the house is clean,and that is where the problem is… Of course we do have the few bad men,the ones that fail to man-up to their marital responsibilities,and they are a shame to the male species and the whole human race,that I have to admit… So with all this hullabaloo women are brewing about running the world and coming on top (no pun intended),they should first learn to accept their responbilities as God put them, when that happens, men(the bad ones) will also be forced to take up their role as heads of family responsibly and hopefully this whole emancipation war and throat slits will come to a beautiful agreeable end…

DISCLAIMER: The author of this blog is a strong believer in women emancipation

Mozart afk

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First impressions DONT last


An assumption we all get from stories of our seniors as we apply for a job,that life-changing moment,is that First impressions last…but that is all tosh!!! First impressions only “last” when you are auditiong for X-factor or American Idols infront of Piers Morgan or Cowell… Susan Boyle,that was a first impression,besides,if you can’t sing there is no forcing it!!
What you show of yourself when in fear and anxiety doesnot bring out the true you because your mind is clouded and clogged with thoughts of failure and you can’t think straight. The best of any of us comes out when the mind is allowed to focus,when the mind is given time to dig out the deepest of our strengths,that is when we give an “impression”
It is not fair at all to walk into a firm for a job interview then because you see an ugly,mean-looking boss who seems NOT to want you for the job,you drop your papers and start to stutter and at the end of it all you lose out…what happens if they give you a second chance?? If you have it in you,you will definately come and nail the hell out that devil. so its quite clear,second impressions matter more!
Of course they say you never forget your first,but that first doesn’t count if you are doing a good job now. Let me give a common example,we are in an age where online dating via facebook and twitter has become the in-thing (unfortunately). So what happens when you finally decided to meet this lad with a beautifully photoshopped profile picture and to your obvious shock, a ‘9’ turns out to be ‘3’?? The immediate impulse is to ditch the date and never talk again,but what if you take time to learn this person more?? Chances are that you might end up liking eachother and wedding bells are not an uncommon ending to such fairy tales. So on the day of the assumed wedding bells the question would be,does the first impression you had for the lad still matter?? Does it matter that he/she is not what you hoped for when you drooled endlessly over their photoshopped profile albums?? Definately not..All you see at that point is God Send!! Unless of course you are being forced into engagement…first_impressions_x_burdge_bug_by_carolsart69-d3foiqx
Therefore this phobia for first impressions deserves death by crucifixion,yes its possible to change a worldwide ideology and it begins with you…its up to you to proove to the rest of the world that First impressions DON’T last…!!


Mozart AFK

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the beauty of originality

  Image They say ”nothing is new under the sun”. We’ve all come to slowly believe that statement,maybe its just a hypothesis,maybe its been proven,i don’t know,but what i know is that the human race has moved into an era where people nolonger want to think,we nolonger want to get ideas fresh out of our minds into the world,we just want to recycle everything knowingly,we seem to be ”tired of thinking”

   Our ancestors as i may call them,the likes of Mozart,Beethoven,Einstein, where gifted with the great power of creativity,they are the reason we have legendary music,art and the driving force behind all this new technology indirectly,of course necessity is the mother of invention and clearly it was necessary to invent what was invented back then but does that mean we are satisfied with what we have?? are we out of necessity?? are we comfortable with the music,the basic principles of science,most of all are we comfortable re-doing what has already been done?? are we comfortable copying and pasting a tweet/status update and passing it on as our own?? i dont think so,we need to become more of ourselves,we need to stop being copycats.I dont mean we should throw away the science of Isaac newton,the music of Antonio Vivaldi,no,that would be crazy,instead,one should add that personal signature to whatever they ”create”. Its good to be inspired by a greater figure but  ‘xeroxing’ the idea simply pulls you off as a fake and I find that so disgusting!! but of course,my opinion as Edmond doesn’t matter.Image

   Truth be told,nothing is more soul-filling than a fresh poem,a good original musical composition or a new movie idea. There is a certain air of beauty that oozes of any artist with originality to his work (Am not sidelining scientists though we need to admit,there is not so much creativity in science,its basically ”build better” theory that applies.It doesnt take much to sit down and build an idea,if you have it in you it will be there,if you dont have it in you there is no forcing it. And so i think every artist, ”creator” or basically everyone should embrace the power of self,the power of thought,the strength rooted deep into the human mind being superior to all other creatures,we should embrace the beauty of originality…


  mozart afk

This is what you’ll miss about Uni

A few years ago (feels like months) I was finishing S.6 Highschool exams with so many of my current friends,getting to campus seemed to take forever,infact,getting to the final year of campus seemed to take forever,everyone wanted to get there get done and get independent. What we all didn’t think about is what will happen when we finally reach the end of our campus life(college as the americans like to call it)…
There is no doubt that college life is the best,its the prime of your life,its when you get all those heart breaks,do all the crazy partying,hunt for cheap booze,explore sex and prepare to settle down with that one & only! What happens when you don’t utilise it?? I’ll blog about that when am 70 and reminiscing with my one & only about “those days”
College is however a little unfair,you have 3,4 and 5 year courses,when you’re doing medicine or Architecture or Veterinary,you are assured of 5 solid years while a business student is drifting through just 3 years,BUT,through experience,av come to believe that 3 years aren’t enough for you to fully exploit this college life: 1st year *adapting* .. 2nd year *starting to adapt to partying* .. 3rd year *you’re out before you know it*…
Of course you might say “I don’t need that,I can party anytime anywhere” but I know quite a number of friends (girls especially) who are sitting at home after campus under prison-like curfew,broke as hell because the parents think yo old enough to hunt for your own money,and trekking the streets of kampala hunting for jobs fruitlessly,in addition to everyone wondering wether you’ll be getting married any sooner!!! *Aaargh*… Yes let’s admit that is hard life,and that is exactly what you are missing about campus. Don’t tell us that “I am becoming responsible” nonsense,anyone can do that at any age!!!
So as I blog this,I still have quite some time to explore the endless possiblities Uni offers,I still have the time to remind you of what you are going to miss and I still have the time to prepare for that ultimate responsibility but trust me This is what you’ll miss about Uni!!

(Dedicated to all finalists)

Mozart AFK

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How Merry is Merry??

“Merry christmas to you”
I’ve been receiving that message all day yesterday and today,we all live in different homes,different wealth,different cultures, and therefore we shall all celebrate this day differently…some will be sad,have no money,a few grains of food,maybe some water to drink,while others will have Jugs of milk and honey to bathe,food to give to the dogs and after parties to attend in the night,but when we say ‘merry christmas’,how merry is merry??
You might be poor,that is your fault,and you might be rich,that is also your fault,but when you walk out and see your next door neighbour,do u feel the christmas love for them?? It doesn’t matter wether you are eating beans or meat,what matters is that inner love that jesus brings.
As I was walkin from church today,i saw an Old lady dressed in a dirtyish gomesi sitting at the road side then she called to me “Young man,help me,am going to have a starving christmas,help me with 200sh”… Now the normal impulse for most people is to walk away and shout “look for a job!!!!!”, I walked to the lady and gave her what I could and wished her a Merry Christmas.
I don’t know what she felt but I am pretty sure that what I felt was merry,and so as I sit at the dinner table right now *its almost lunch time btw* I see the excited faces of all my siblings and parents smiling with joy,I feel the love that God brings through jesus,saturating the air,I see a MERRY CHRISTMAS.
And that is how merry my merry is….How merry is your merry??

Mozart AFK

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