This is what you’ll miss about Uni

A few years ago (feels like months) I was finishing S.6 Highschool exams with so many of my current friends,getting to campus seemed to take forever,infact,getting to the final year of campus seemed to take forever,everyone wanted to get there get done and get independent. What we all didn’t think about is what will happen when we finally reach the end of our campus life(college as the americans like to call it)…
There is no doubt that college life is the best,its the prime of your life,its when you get all those heart breaks,do all the crazy partying,hunt for cheap booze,explore sex and prepare to settle down with that one & only! What happens when you don’t utilise it?? I’ll blog about that when am 70 and reminiscing with my one & only about “those days”
College is however a little unfair,you have 3,4 and 5 year courses,when you’re doing medicine or Architecture or Veterinary,you are assured of 5 solid years while a business student is drifting through just 3 years,BUT,through experience,av come to believe that 3 years aren’t enough for you to fully exploit this college life: 1st year *adapting* .. 2nd year *starting to adapt to partying* .. 3rd year *you’re out before you know it*…
Of course you might say “I don’t need that,I can party anytime anywhere” but I know quite a number of friends (girls especially) who are sitting at home after campus under prison-like curfew,broke as hell because the parents think yo old enough to hunt for your own money,and trekking the streets of kampala hunting for jobs fruitlessly,in addition to everyone wondering wether you’ll be getting married any sooner!!! *Aaargh*… Yes let’s admit that is hard life,and that is exactly what you are missing about campus. Don’t tell us that “I am becoming responsible” nonsense,anyone can do that at any age!!!
So as I blog this,I still have quite some time to explore the endless possiblities Uni offers,I still have the time to remind you of what you are going to miss and I still have the time to prepare for that ultimate responsibility but trust me This is what you’ll miss about Uni!!

(Dedicated to all finalists)

Mozart AFK

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

How Merry is Merry??

“Merry christmas to you”
I’ve been receiving that message all day yesterday and today,we all live in different homes,different wealth,different cultures, and therefore we shall all celebrate this day differently…some will be sad,have no money,a few grains of food,maybe some water to drink,while others will have Jugs of milk and honey to bathe,food to give to the dogs and after parties to attend in the night,but when we say ‘merry christmas’,how merry is merry??
You might be poor,that is your fault,and you might be rich,that is also your fault,but when you walk out and see your next door neighbour,do u feel the christmas love for them?? It doesn’t matter wether you are eating beans or meat,what matters is that inner love that jesus brings.
As I was walkin from church today,i saw an Old lady dressed in a dirtyish gomesi sitting at the road side then she called to me “Young man,help me,am going to have a starving christmas,help me with 200sh”… Now the normal impulse for most people is to walk away and shout “look for a job!!!!!”, I walked to the lady and gave her what I could and wished her a Merry Christmas.
I don’t know what she felt but I am pretty sure that what I felt was merry,and so as I sit at the dinner table right now *its almost lunch time btw* I see the excited faces of all my siblings and parents smiling with joy,I feel the love that God brings through jesus,saturating the air,I see a MERRY CHRISTMAS.
And that is how merry my merry is….How merry is your merry??

Mozart AFK

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

This is what hardwork does

 We humans take lots of things for granted,you have opportunity staring at you right in the eyeball but you dont take it on,ok lets assume you take it on,but you dont develop it,you dont work hard..end result = total fail.

 Uganda was blessed and let’s admit,everyone got inspired by the marathon king S.Kiprotich’s gold medal in the 2012 London olympics. When he carried that flag and knelt behind the finish line,i doubt he knew what was coming for him back home.

  He didnt know that through his hard work,from just a prison warder and a poor runner back in the villages of kapchorwa,he would get all this: sh200m cheque from the president on arrival,a 3 bedroomed house for his parents,skip 8 prison ranks to become the assistant supretendant,a new car,a raise to 750,000/= salary raise at the prisons,50,000 dollars from the Vision Group,scholastic materials for his 2 children from picfare/nytil for 5 years,sh5m from KCCA, sh50m scholarship from Nile Breweries and soo much more

 Clearly when you see such a success story you can assume that its possible to become rich overnight but this wasnt one overnight,it was months and months of hard work and resilience that got him where he is and i believe apart from the honor, Ugandans should Imagepick the spirit of HardWork from this gentleman

This is what hardwork does…


mozart afk