This is what hardwork does

 We humans take lots of things for granted,you have opportunity staring at you right in the eyeball but you dont take it on,ok lets assume you take it on,but you dont develop it,you dont work hard..end result = total fail.

 Uganda was blessed and let’s admit,everyone got inspired by the marathon king S.Kiprotich’s gold medal in the 2012 London olympics. When he carried that flag and knelt behind the finish line,i doubt he knew what was coming for him back home.

  He didnt know that through his hard work,from just a prison warder and a poor runner back in the villages of kapchorwa,he would get all this: sh200m cheque from the president on arrival,a 3 bedroomed house for his parents,skip 8 prison ranks to become the assistant supretendant,a new car,a raise to 750,000/= salary raise at the prisons,50,000 dollars from the Vision Group,scholastic materials for his 2 children from picfare/nytil for 5 years,sh5m from KCCA, sh50m scholarship from Nile Breweries and soo much more

 Clearly when you see such a success story you can assume that its possible to become rich overnight but this wasnt one overnight,it was months and months of hard work and resilience that got him where he is and i believe apart from the honor, Ugandans should Imagepick the spirit of HardWork from this gentleman

This is what hardwork does…


mozart afk