Keep Scrolling

We love to see new things,human nature dictates that we are always in a state of hunger for better,faster,stronger and shall always be like that to the end of time.When Eve ate the forbidden fruit,she was probably looking for a new experience out of curiosity maybe and that got us kicked out of Eden. Fortunately,this instinct has successfully pushed the race through evolution and survival.We have all sorts of amazing innovations designed to make life more fun,but who is to create these ideas and who is to prototype them???
We do have the kind of people who want to have a goodlife but don’t want to work for it,the same kind of people who want money but don’t want to get jobs,the same people who want fun but make no effort to create it. My favourite example are the social networks particularly facebook and twitter. These are platforms created to share ideas and have fun doing it though it gets so grossly absorbing we end up illusively feeling like our real identity is in some virtual cyber space probably being hacked into, we realise our mistake late then get into defence mechanism (don’t trust my psycho-analysis so much though) to try and take it all back,we eventually stop adding value to ideas and simply choose to stare at what is there,in the end we want what we initially had but can’t have it cause no one wants to put it out there,we simply become “Timeline scrollers” #TLScrollers. Days,weeks,months pass by and nothing exciting and new seems to come up cause of withdrawal and before we know it,a social network is branded fake and boring. That is exactly what I think happened to facebook and is quickly infecting the feathery veins of twitter too. Let’s not pretend we don’t know facebook is on a downward spiral,and twitter is following suit soon,all in the hands of #TLScrollers,the type of people who want to fire up their laptops,continuosly check their timelines,make silent criticisms,complain of ‘nothing new’,and do nothing about it.
If you want to have a captivating online experience,you need to be as captivating and interactive as possible,we are in an era where web content is created by the common man in the comfort of his home,no more dependence on a few goons in media houses for debatable information.
So the fall of the social platform empire shouldn’t be blamed on the UI or OS creators but on the end-user,that little man with a smartphone who simply keeps scrolling through their timeline…

mozart AFK

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